Special announcement 1
Call for Book Chapters - Special Issue: Advances in Nonlinear Dynamics Synchronization with Selected Applications in Theoretical Electrical Engineering
This book (maximum 500 pages) will mainly contain the following categories of contributions:- Extended papers on the keynote speeches presented at the joint INDS'11 & ISTET'11
- Extended paper versions of regular papers presented at the joint INDS'11 & ISTET'11. These chapters should however incorporate a sufficient introductory part of tutorial nature to make the content accessible to non-expert readers
- New submissions are also welcome provided they do fit into the thematic scope
Deadline: Submission of short chapter proposals: 2nd October 2011
Special announcement 2
Call for Papers - The International Journal for Computation and Mathematics in Electrical ans Electronic Engineering (COMPEL)
Special Selection for SELECTED PAPERS from INDS'11 & ISTET'11 published by Emerald Engineering, UK in the issue 32/3 in 2013.This Special Section in COMPEL 32/3 2013 will mainly contain selected extended and significantly enhanced paper versions of regular and poster papers presented at the joint INDS'11 & ISTET'11.
Deadline: Registration/announcement via E-mail: 31. October 2011

The Joint Conference INDS'11 and ISTET'11 to be held from July 25-27, 2011 at University of Klagenfurt, is a three-day international workshop that brings together international researchers, developers and practitioners from different horizons to discuss the latest advances in nonlinear Dynamics and Synchronization and Theoretical Electrical Engineering.
The Joint Conference should serve as a forum to present current and future works as well as to exchange research ideas pertaining to various aspects in the fields of nonlinear Dynamics and Synchronization and Theoretical Electrical Engineering. The Conference will feature contributed as well as invited papers and will include poster and demo sessions.
Klagenfurt is the capital of the federal state of Carinthia in Austria. Carinthia - the very beautiful southernmost state of Austria, sharing borders with Italy and Slovenia - is situated in a basin of the Alps and has the longest hours of sunshine in the region and many lakes.
More information about previous Conference INDS'09 can be found here and about previous Conference ISTET'09 can be found here.